
Wolf Called Wander


In my last book report I already finished the book, so here’s another book that I really liked!

My book A Wolf Called Wander was a book I read in English class. It is about a wolf named Sharp and his family pack. His family pack passes away and he has to learn how to live all alone. He learned how to hunt, grow, survive, and protect himself.

He went through a bunch of challenges throughout his journey. He had to face other packs,the loss of his family, a cougar, a fire, and losing his raven.

I really liked this book because I feel like it helped me understand that wolfs and animals in general go through a ton. It also helped me stay close with my family and be thankful for the food on the table, and a roof over my head.

I hope you will read this book and enjoy it like I did!;)






My Book Report:)


Today I’m going to talk about one of my favorite books. My favorite book is “THE SUMMER I TURNED PRETTY”!!!

I LOOOOOOVE this book because it’s about everything I like … although there is a TON of drama in this book and it gets a little crazy.  This book is a romance novel and the TV show just came out on Prime Video. Personally I think the book is better. There is a series to this book and those books are called “It’s Not Summer Without You, and “We”ll Always Have Summer”. I think ya’ll will really enjoy this book, and for all the boys out there, my brother liked watching the show with me so I think you would like it if he somewhat liked it.